Examples of Irregular Verbs Common Irregular Verbs In contrast, irregular verbs have their unique forms, which do not follow a predictable pattern. Regular verbs follow a predictable pattern, which is to add “-ed” to the base form to form the past tense and past participle. What is the Difference between Regular and Irregular Verbs?
For example, the irregular verb “go” does not become “goed” in the past tense or past participle but instead changes to “went” and “gone,” respectively. They have their unique forms in the past tense and past participle.
Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the regular pattern of adding “ed” to the base form to form the past tense or past participle. How to Use Irregular Verbs in Different Contexts.Irregular Verbs Used in the Present Tense.What is the Difference between Regular and Irregular Verbs?.